Music Theory - 07 - D Major Scale

Theory of Music - D Major Scale

This video is part of Music Theory Lessons Series. It explains about  constructing a D Major Scale.

Music Theory - 06 - C Major Scale

This video is part of Music Theory Lessons Series. It explains about  constructing a C Major Scale.

Music Theory - 03 - Naming the Black Keys in a Piano

In the previous video we saw the names given to the white keys in a piano. Now, how do we name the Black Keys.

In a piano, if we move from left to right, you can notice that the sound gets sharper. Or the pitch of the sound goes higher. And if we go from right to left, the sound becomes more and more flat or the pitch gets lower.

Music Theory names the black piano keys by virtue of its location. A black piano key residing above C, is called C#. The sharp is denoted using the hash symbol. The next one, D# and so on.

Okay. Now, I agree that C# is sharper than C, but, it is also lower than or flatter than D. Can I call it D-Flat? Sure, why not. Call it as D-Flat. The next one, E-Flat. And so on.

But how can you know that when I am going to call this as C# or when I am going to call this as D-Flat? For that, let us take a look as Scales in the next video.

Music Theory - 01 - What is an OCTAVE

Music Theory Tutorial: What is an OCTAVE?

In this video, let us explore some Music Theory. Let us take a look at OCTAVES. What is an OCTAVE?

A piano looks like this (please see the video below).

There you can notice that a set of piano-keys repeat. 

For example, if I start from the first key on the left in the above video, I see three white piano-keys housing two black piano-keys in between. 

Then four more white piano-keys surrounding a new set of three black piano keys. That would be seven white piano keys with five black piano keys in between. 

A total of 12 piano keys.

Now if we move along to the right, we can also another set of 12 piano keys arranged in the same pattern. We can see the same on the left too. 

Each set is called as an OCTAVE.

How many OCTAVES can you see here? Three. Octave 1, 2 and 3.